Monday, September 13, 2010

Something Special

Hello all just a little post on something I got up to yesterday, it was a beautiful sunny day so we had a bit of a 'spring clean', lawns, windows, cupboards etc. This pic is of a cupboard I've had for a while now and have only just been able to do something with it. You see this 'horn' sewing cabinet was my mum's as she loved to sew but due to her illness in the end it just got too hard for her to sew, now that mum has passed dad said I could have it. YAY!! So now I have somewhere to put my machine ( mums machine and I always had a love/hate relationship) so yesterday I found some time and got to cleaning it out. Once I opened it memories came flooding back of when mum used to sew and when I was just starting to learn, I found some things to treasure like her measuring tape, her needle threader, cottons and some buttons I will one day make something to suit :) When I was cleaning it out my 6 year old said 'its got that old smell mum' and he was right but that smell to me had treasured memories attached, ones you dont realise matter until that person is gone. I then realised that when I was in the middle of fond memories that infact the very next day was mum's birthday, today she would of been 62. So today this is for you mum Happy Birthday! I know your with me every day but 3 years on I still miss you every day and wish you were here. So I will teasure and use this cabinet just as she would of wanted and maybe even a little makeover one day, I will then pass it on to Gemma whom I hope will love and treasure it too one day.
To everyone out there hug your loved ones and dont forget to tell them you love them and treasure the time you have as it is ever so important.
Happy Birthday Mum
Cheers Janelle xxx
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Paperific Shopping

Hello all I'm back in the land of blogging :0) !! After a big week of flat out doing buttons for the wonderful Miss Paula from Paula's Scrapbooking Place, for her retreat and then a few days without internet, boo hoo :( I'm back to normal and back to blogging, yay !! Well I have been quite busy, I went to Melbourne with Miss Eb ( the rockstar herself :) hee hee ) and with the help of the lovely Lisa whom was our personal travel service for the entire weekend! ( thanks lovie ) We had a great time shopping up a storm at Paperific and Paper 2 !! And now it's back to buttons and hopefully some serious sales because there's NO money left in my wallet!!
We did have a great time, Miss Paula took us in for a night, thanks dear :) and I got to see hear fab little studio that I kept hearing about at her retreats, and I must say its a bit cute :) Also thanks for the lovely dinner with all our fabo scrappy friends from melbourne, you girls are a riot !! I'm still laughing :) So it was a full weekend with lots of spending and then it was time to hop back on the train ( well bus first ) then the train to home :( But I will see these girls again next June at the retreat and I'm sure it will be a fun filled catch up with a little scrapping as well :) So thats where I'm at, will making new designs shortly, I just have one more big order for Sarah at Bliss then its back to loading up more on 'made it', so keep an eye out for some more groovy things to come :0)
Happy Creating
Cheers Janelle XX
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