Monday, December 28, 2009

Best Wishes

Hello to all hope you all had a lovely chrissy and hope your plans for New years goes off with a bang:)!! We had a GREAT christmas day, as our family is quite small I usually only have to cook for about 8 but this year all the cousins, all bar one, decided they were coming for lunch too plus hubby's grandmother so I had to pull out all stops for 14!! Hence the 5 KILO piece of piggy I had to cook. It all turned out well, the kids were super exicited that santa brought a WII for the whole family and he remembered to drink his beer ( naughty I know) and the reindeers were VERY messy and scattered their special glittery food all over the verander!! Oh and santa ate all of his gingerbread bikkies! All came ate and were merry, including me thanks to a couple of scotches:) Well it was christmas afterall!! And I'm fairly sure everyone enjoyed themselves and guess what?!! I DIDNT burn the piggy and the crackling was sensational even if I do say so myself!! So I hope you all had the best day ever and santa brought you everything you hoped for and wishing you a brilliant 2010!! What are your new years resoultions? Mine is completely selfish and that is to gain more bloggy friends so if your following PLEASE LET ME KNOW! And of course the usual lose weight and all that stuff:) Sorry I have no pics still sorting out the computer situation, hopefully VERY soon! One more thing, I would like to say a very special thanks and hugs to my friend miss eb who has helped emensely this year in promoting my buttons although not always stated she uses them quite a lot and in 2010 I will be posting many more pics of them. So THANKS eb for all your help:) Thats all for now, many nice wishes to you all and see you next year!:)
Happy Creating
Cheers Janelle XX

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Checking In

Hello! Well its been awhile but we are slowly getting organised and have shifted, kids and hubby are settling in but my 2 year old took a while, she did'nt understanding why we dont live in our house anymore but in the last week she's started to come around. I've done NOTHING on the craft front, still waiting for dad to finish off the room that is going to be craft/kids room. With christmas around the corner well 5 days away!!!!! I havent been able to get anything done, we are still trying to sort out computers but hopefully after chrissy that will be sorted. Better run hubby is looking over my shoulder wanting to go to the tip.[move it sister!] That was him!! Will post soon! Merry Christmas to all:)
Cheers Janelle XX

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hello everyone! Just a little post to let you all know I wont be around for a little while due to the shifting of house:) I dont think I'm EVER going to shift house again, well once more when we build the house but apart from that NEVER AGAIN!!!! But we are nearly there and should be all moved by this weekend! I will be posting once settled and worked out my dad's computer(his is a wis bang thing) and once I've unpacked a little! So bye for now see you all in a couple of weeks:)
Happy Creating
Cheers Janelle XX

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Packing YUCK!

Hello friends! I have not ditched you all I promise! But we have sold our house YAY!! With a very short settlement date and I only have less than 2 weeks to finish packing!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh!!!!!!! But on the bright side we sold and can now start thinking about building plans for our new house, so very exciting!! So in the meantime we are taking over my dad's house but I think he might be secretly happy to have us there! If anyone is wanting buttons please e-mail me at, I will take orders but unfortunately wont be able to start making them until after the 17th November, with about a 3 week delivery, too much packing to be done!! If any of you out there have a craft room like me will probably understand why I am freaking out at the thought of packing it up! Is it possible I just might have too much stuff?????? Shhh dont tell hubby he keeps complaining "do you really need it all?" what a silly question!! So this week and maybe early next week will be my last posts for a couple of weeks due packing, shifting and organising computers, so PLEASE bare with me as I have a HUGE job ahead of me and I've only just started! I shall be back with my challenge entries for paula's scrapbooking place and then its more pack pack packing!!!!!
Happy Creating
Cheers JanelleXX

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Opps I forgot!

Just a few things I forgot to mention ( have had sinus all week and the ol' brain is a bit fuzzy!) Firstly if you are after some buttons and were wondering how the hell to pay for them, just e-mail me your order at and they can be paided for by direct deposit or a money order made out to Janelle Giblin. Easy Peasy!!! What I also forgot ( silly ME!) was to let you all know that the buttons are specifically made for scapbooking or quilting/sewing projects, difference being scrapbooking are coated in an acid free varnish and for quilting/sewing projects are coated in a varnish that can be handwashed. As I mentioned yesterday the postage is subject to how many packs are ordered for example 8 packs - postage is $7.30. So I hope I cleared up some questions for you thanks for stopping by and dont forget to leave a comment or even be a follower so I know who's out there in blog land!!:)
Happy Creating
Janelle XX

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Some buttons FINALLY!!

As I have been promising and promising and since the blog title is 'handmade buttons and embellishments' I better post some pics of what I've been up too! Dear Besty Miss Eb is off too a srcappy retreat this weekend and since her stash is low she put in an order and presto there you go a whole bunch of custom made Nellie G. buttons!!! So amongst the other orders and such I dropped them off to her this morn and I'm sure I left her with a big grin:) So here is a few pics of what I've been up too, the first one is most of my colour groups together and the pack in the middle is how they come.

This one is of my newest edition called 'buds and blooms' these are brill for using in the middle of flowers and if your after just some suttle embellies. This one is hot off the press and miss eb is the first to use them so I'm sure you will be able to check out what she came up with after this weekend at her blog So pop on over and you wont be disappointed! She uses them quite a lot as she is my certified 'guinea pig' and she always manages to make them look fab! Thanks Eb:)!!! If you are at all interested you can simply leave me a comment and how to contact you or just e-mail me @ - they are a 50 pack @ $6.95 plus postage and that varies due to weight, and the colours are as follows;
Candy - pinks
Ocean - blues
Earth - browns
Primary - red, green, yellow and navy
Black & White - black and white
Classic - dark red, white and black
Sunshine - pastels
Citrus - brights
Buds and blooms - a mixture as above
So if you're interested give me a bell with about a 3 weeks delivery. Stay tuned for more new designs as promised and maybe even a 'Made It' shop!!!!:)
Happy Creating
Cheers Janelle XX

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Challange week 2 @ Paula's

Here is my LO that I did for Paula's Scrapbooking Place for the 6 week challange. I was quite surprised with myself as I finished it in about half an hour which surely has to be a world record for me!! And I didn't even scraplift!! YAY:) This challange's requirements was to come up with a LO using the colours aqua, red and yellow, this is not a combination I would usually use but I was fairly happy with the results! Thanks eb for the inspiration:) What I was REALLY excited about is the title 'PLAY' as I made it myself and made them into buttons, how cool! I was very pleased with the result and of course now have to add this design to my gigantic list of 'to do' designs. If anyone is interested please leave me a comment and I can give you a price/colour on what your after. I thought they worked really well as a title for this page and will have to come up with a few more combinations:) Well that's all for today and once again back to the orders!
Happy Creating
Cheers Janelle XXX

Monday, October 12, 2009

Yum Yum Yabbies

Yum Yum Yabbies! Just thought I would share a little hobby that hubby likes to do on weekends! He loves to go and catch some yabbies for lunch:) Last year he spent a lot of time researching yabbies and their habbitat to make sure they would survive in our dam and then stocked it up so this year we could eat them!! These particular ones come from a friends dam as ours arent quite ready apparently, although last year we did get some:) I didnt even get a sniff of these as he cooked them for the bathurst party at his dad's, boo hoo! I must confess I'm a lazy shell eater, I only like them shelled and delivered. Guess thats why I missed out! Anyhoo must run and finish orders.
Happpy Creating
Cheers Janelle XXX

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 1 Challenge @ Paula's

This is my LO for Paula's 6 week challenge over @ Paula's Scrapbooking Place, I've joined in as it will make me scrap at least for 6 weeks!!! Miss Ebony is heading the challenge with all of her wonderful samples anyone can join in so check it out @ and if your looking for inspiration check out the link to eb's blog from there, you wont be disapointed:) I know I've been promising and promising new designs and they ARE on their way I'm just a little swamped with orders and if I had that magic remote Adam Sandler had in click I would definately be up to date:) Hope you all enjoy the LO I really like this one, it was such a great day Jakob had been asking for ages to go mushrooming and Leigh and I had'nt been since we were kids!! Mind you coming from a farm I didnt have to travel far!! We all had so much fun and the first lot of mushies we found were on our very own block!! These sorts of pics are the ones I treasure most as its everyday things we get up to as a family, I think its important to capture the everyday things and not just the perfect looking portraits, when looking in mags these days you can definately see this trend all the time which is just brill! Whats your favourite style of picture? I would love to know:) Send me comment and let me know!!
Cheers Janelle XXX

Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome Dilberts

Today I thought I would share something I've actually sewn myself, for those who know me know I'm not one to follow a pattern very well so this was somewhat of an acheivement for me!

Of course if you make one for one child you CAN NOT not make one for the other, so Jakob got blue dilbert and Gemmy got the pink one. This pattern was extremely easy to follow and its from the Melly and Me collection. I love their work and have a list as long as my arm of things I would like to make of theirs! They make heaps of different softies, bags and all sorts of goodies if you would like to check them out just type in and check it all out! Anyways must run these button orders wont magically finish themselves so ta ta for now.

Happy Creating

Cheers Janelle XX

Friday, September 25, 2009

Something non crafty

Hello everyone! I have something to post that is completely non crafty. Every once and a while I like to get out in the garden and get my hands dirty and it was such a beautiful day that myself and kids got out and weeded the vegie patch. I must admit I'm not the best gardener over winter but once the sun pokes its nose out I'm there!! Since I had both kids at home due to school holidays nothing crafty was going to get acheived inside so out we went and attacked! So it went from a weedy mass to a nice clean palete ready for planting, if your wondering about the little red bowls their for catching the snails, you fill them full of beer and over night POW you have bowls full of snails that got drunk and died!! Hubby reckons this would be a great way to go!! So if you have snails taking over your garden and dont like to use all the nasties give it a go, it truly works! I must go as today is raining and the kids are quiet watching a movie, I'm off to see if I can get something acheived!!

Happy creating

Cheers Janelle XX

Friday, September 18, 2009

Missing In Action

Hello all! I hav'nt run away to another country or ran off to join the army, the reason for my 'missing in action' is for the past several weeks my health has'nt been the best but I've been assured that all is OK and I'm getting back on track! So the production line of buttons has been quite slow and I'm slowly gathering speed again so fingers and toes crossed some creative things to share will be arriving shortly! I've had some orders to complete then I'll be creating a few new buttons which I'm VERY excited about! If anyone loves dinosaurs or has little men in their lives who do STAY TUNED or maybe you have some little fairies that love to sit on a magic mushroom? I just might have something for you!! Anyway must run to finish off these orders then I can get cracking!!
Cheers Janelle XXX

Monday, August 10, 2009

Scrapy pages to share

Hey all I was lucky enough to have an unexpected scrapy day with dear miss eb on sunday and I even got 2 whole LO's completed which isnt too bad for me as I can be the world's slowest scrapper sometimes. We did a sketch challenge and then went on and did our own thing. You can check out ebs @ http://welcometoebsspace.blogspot/ and see our VERY different styles! I'm really enjoying the whole sketch idea as it really makes me complete something, you should give it a go!! Not much else to post half way through some more designs, will be back with those REAL SOON I promise!! The photos in my LO are of my dad and DD, they really do have a special bond and the other is of DS, this is what happens when you let your then 4 yr old do his own hair!!!! Must run.

Happy Creating

Cheers JanelleXX

Thursday, August 6, 2009

One of those weeks..............

Hey everyone, have you EVER had one of those weeks where you wished it would finish or start again? Luckily I dont have them too often but this is one of those weeks! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! DH is away working for a couple of weeks which provides me with plenty of uninterupted crafty time when the kidlits go to bed! But of course it is already thursday and I dont seem to have achieved ANYTHING!! And I'm not happy! Anyway enough of my gripes, I am determined to churn out a couple of ideas that have been floating upstairs, lets hope the rest of the week gets a bit better and I can turn those ideas into something fab for you all to have a look at!! If you are in need of a crafty 'look see ' Check out my very talented and fab cuz Sue at She does plenty of cool stuff from quilting to scrapping and all other inbetween. And just a reminder has anyone checked out miss Ebony Vanderstarre in the latest SM magazine? She really does know her stuff and is excellent for getting the creative juices flowing! I'm lucky to have her on tap I guess! But then where would she get all those fab buttons she uses hey?!!! Any who must run, hopefully with something to look at very soon!
Happy Creating
Cheers Janelle XX

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Scrapy Night

Hey guys just thought I would share with you a page I finished at Miss Eb's on friday night. The last friday of every month we try to get together with a couple of friends and have a crafty night, I love it because I dont get to scrap that often and its a good chance for me to get some done. Its a LO of DH and DD, made with some influential help from Miss Eb, of course! We took a sketch and went with it, you should try it sometimes its great if your'e like me and can stare a piece of paper for 2 hours!! Anyone who's looking should check out ebony's blog @ welcometoebsspace and if you have the lastest SM mag she's located there too. Must run hope you all like, dont forget to leave a comment so I know your'e looking!

Happy Creating

Cheers Janelle XX

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Babushka Babies

Well as promised I've been working on some new and exciting things, so now I am very proud to present.........BABUSHKA BABIES!!!! They are soooo cute! - even if I do say so myself! If you are interested at all in my new editions please e-mail me They retail for $5.50 + postage for the set of three but can also be split up. They look so cute on a layout or great on cards and if your into quilting and such they're great for that too! Also as promised I'm still in the midst of creating some goodies for so when that's all ready I shall let you all know!

Happy creating

Cheers Janelle XX

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hey guys I promised things were starting to happen and guess what? I'm going to be available on the madeit website VERY SOON! So keep watching and I'll keep you all posted. I've also been working on some very cute babies and will be revealing them very soon.
Have a lovely day
Cheers Janelle XX

Friday, July 24, 2009

madeit buttons

madeit buttons: ""


Hey everyone, I must the most hopeless blogger out there! Please have faith I have been making buttons left right and centre so there will be a BIG blog revamp and some sneak peaks and maybe even a giveaway!! So keep the faith and I'll be posting lots of cool and new thing VERY soon I promise!!
Cheers Janelle XX

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A bit about me

Hello everybody, my name is Janelle Giblin of Nellie G Designs and I am a new designer of handmade buttons. Just to tell you a little about myself, l am a at home mum with a hubby and two (sometimes!) wonderful kids and I have a passion for scrapbooking, quilting, stitcheries and of course making buttons. Some do ask why bother making them but I've been searching for an idea that would fit around my kids and this is something I love to do, I find it quite relaxing and very rewarding when I see people using my buttons on their projects. Any who this was just a quick note to say hi and say a little about myself, when I set this blog up properly I will have photos of my work and a lot more info about Nellie G. Designs.
Cheers Janelle XXX