Monday, August 10, 2009

Scrapy pages to share

Hey all I was lucky enough to have an unexpected scrapy day with dear miss eb on sunday and I even got 2 whole LO's completed which isnt too bad for me as I can be the world's slowest scrapper sometimes. We did a sketch challenge and then went on and did our own thing. You can check out ebs @ http://welcometoebsspace.blogspot/ and see our VERY different styles! I'm really enjoying the whole sketch idea as it really makes me complete something, you should give it a go!! Not much else to post half way through some more designs, will be back with those REAL SOON I promise!! The photos in my LO are of my dad and DD, they really do have a special bond and the other is of DS, this is what happens when you let your then 4 yr old do his own hair!!!! Must run.

Happy Creating

Cheers JanelleXX

Thursday, August 6, 2009

One of those weeks..............

Hey everyone, have you EVER had one of those weeks where you wished it would finish or start again? Luckily I dont have them too often but this is one of those weeks! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! DH is away working for a couple of weeks which provides me with plenty of uninterupted crafty time when the kidlits go to bed! But of course it is already thursday and I dont seem to have achieved ANYTHING!! And I'm not happy! Anyway enough of my gripes, I am determined to churn out a couple of ideas that have been floating upstairs, lets hope the rest of the week gets a bit better and I can turn those ideas into something fab for you all to have a look at!! If you are in need of a crafty 'look see ' Check out my very talented and fab cuz Sue at She does plenty of cool stuff from quilting to scrapping and all other inbetween. And just a reminder has anyone checked out miss Ebony Vanderstarre in the latest SM magazine? She really does know her stuff and is excellent for getting the creative juices flowing! I'm lucky to have her on tap I guess! But then where would she get all those fab buttons she uses hey?!!! Any who must run, hopefully with something to look at very soon!
Happy Creating
Cheers Janelle XX

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Scrapy Night

Hey guys just thought I would share with you a page I finished at Miss Eb's on friday night. The last friday of every month we try to get together with a couple of friends and have a crafty night, I love it because I dont get to scrap that often and its a good chance for me to get some done. Its a LO of DH and DD, made with some influential help from Miss Eb, of course! We took a sketch and went with it, you should try it sometimes its great if your'e like me and can stare a piece of paper for 2 hours!! Anyone who's looking should check out ebony's blog @ welcometoebsspace and if you have the lastest SM mag she's located there too. Must run hope you all like, dont forget to leave a comment so I know your'e looking!

Happy Creating

Cheers Janelle XX