Hello this is just a little post to say a very BIG THANK YOU to everyone for their button love :o) I cant thank you all enough and this week of sales for the launch of the 'spring time collection' has been awesome!!! I've sold out all bar 2 items which is brilliant I'm so very wrapped and have been working hard and will be ready to re-load items in the next couple of days. So if you missed out on something you wanted stay tuned!
Also I would like to thank miss eb for all her support ever since I started this button crazyness, she always says nice things about my designs and uses them on her LO's all the time :) But she does get an endless supply of Nellie G's !!!!! You see it goes like this - I make - she creates!!! Its fab because shes brilliant at what she does and I simply dont have the time to make the buttons then do the LO's as well!!!! I do get to scrap sometimes though :) So I'm sending all the love right back to everyone who has sent me the 'button love', stay tuned and keep your eye out in the next couple of days for when I re-load!!
Happy Creating
Cheers Janelle XX
Aww thanks Nellie! ITS NOT HARD USING A PRODUCT I LOVE!!!!!! Thanks for giving me your buttons to play with!