Monday, October 12, 2009

Yum Yum Yabbies

Yum Yum Yabbies! Just thought I would share a little hobby that hubby likes to do on weekends! He loves to go and catch some yabbies for lunch:) Last year he spent a lot of time researching yabbies and their habbitat to make sure they would survive in our dam and then stocked it up so this year we could eat them!! These particular ones come from a friends dam as ours arent quite ready apparently, although last year we did get some:) I didnt even get a sniff of these as he cooked them for the bathurst party at his dad's, boo hoo! I must confess I'm a lazy shell eater, I only like them shelled and delivered. Guess thats why I missed out! Anyhoo must run and finish orders.
Happpy Creating
Cheers Janelle XXX

1 comment:

  1. aren't you done with those orders yet?
    yuk, I hate yabbies, Darren loves them though, maybe time for a visit.
